Mirrors for qbs-windows-x86_64-2.4.0.zip

File information

  • Filename: qbs-windows-x86_64-2.4.0.zip
  • Path: /official_releases/qbs/2.4.0/qbs-windows-x86_64-2.4.0.zip
  • Size: 16M (16504147 bytes)
  • Last modified: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:25:08 GMT (Unix time: 1722252308)
  • SHA-256 Hash: ab6ed65918055bc7979c090a87651e2516a6c0118b1ba81c08270cda8d87753f
  • SHA-1 Hash: 11f235ee61d88390fb7bb456be65259f8bef1e08
  • MD5 Hash: b20c02d6fa9f3b9a6d9416079016d3f8
  • BitTorrent Information Hash: 2c3a9e5eeb20364427cf33a6d7c634d436a7daff

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