Mirrors for libs-5.4.xml

File information

  • Filename: libs-5.4.xml
  • Path: /ministro/android/qt5/qt-5.4/unstable/arm64-v8a/android-23/libs-5.4.xml
  • Size: 101K (103513 bytes)
  • Last modified: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:11:20 GMT (Unix time: 1418389880)
  • SHA-256 Hash: f6ec67640f46cca0e36f82dbb8610f972901c5d27304a287db85caeefd7f1e29
  • SHA-1 Hash: 12eee41d913457bbe01a21a138d67485aba0d3df
  • MD5 Hash: d58b6b485aab50ccf58e3c07d6d8357c
  • BitTorrent Information Hash: cc6df560d2089744084e09640a05348d8e38c116

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