Mirrors for libqmlgesturesplugin.so

File information

  • Filename: libqmlgesturesplugin.so
  • Path: /ministro/android/qt5/objects/5.511-armeabi-v7a/imports/Qt/labs/gestures/libqmlgesturesplugin.so
  • Size: 33K (34088 bytes)
  • Last modified: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 09:42:48 GMT (Unix time: 1474882968)
  • SHA-256 Hash: 974783b0c7dd0e2759ba408e78aeeddd8fd2e08f28b103a127d011ac5c2d9254
  • SHA-1 Hash: 3d12bd9fb33c370fd8924a1d5836498b8f6f38f6
  • MD5 Hash: 86668d07a41d4be0f6353a77193d746b
  • BitTorrent Information Hash: d636bdae61d0ee9fdd19da633a41beb1b15e3c95

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