Mirrors for qt-creator-2.5.1-src.tar.gz

File information

  • Filename: qt-creator-2.5.1-src.tar.gz
  • Path: /archive/qtcreator/2.5/qt-creator-2.5.1-src.tar.gz
  • Size: 21M (22523194 bytes)
  • Last modified: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 12:54:03 GMT (Unix time: 1355403243)
  • SHA-256 Hash: 909e84727d55f9cbd5d212e2027ea405a0bd6e892492ade63d5b572e64081920
  • SHA-1 Hash: 31ecb601dd68414ff83a58b5af18222eb291f311
  • MD5 Hash: 321e6ee4640cee8177cbb302fde2ce84
  • BitTorrent Information Hash: aa9029354f61e2f9678883d43c3358ce7ea1a5f4

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