Mirrors for LICENSE.GPL
File information
- Filename: LICENSE.GPL
- Path: /archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL
- Size: 18K (18362 bytes)
- Last modified: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 12:58:26 GMT (Unix time: 1355403506)
- SHA-256 Hash: 99d0cd5b79b719fe5d2146b940d3e021874a27eec843045a8b52420caf4b5238
- SHA-1 Hash: c0dc288559f52f649770e065d1a6290091f5bd61
- MD5 Hash: 35387c605ac9dc26530948e34ee778c7
- BitTorrent Information Hash: 2b2799b006302ac0d71ad10e06b471c01ffc30f3
Reliable downloads
- /archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL.meta4 (IETF Metalink)
- /archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL.metalink (old (v3) Metalink)
P2P links
- /archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL.torrent (BitTorrent)
- /archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL.magnet (Magnet)
List of best mirrors for IP address, located at 37.750999,-97.821999 in United States (US).
Map showing the closest mirrors
Found 1 mirror which handle this country (US)
- https://qt.mirror.constant.com/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (us, prio 100)
Found 13 mirrors in other parts of the world
- https://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/sites/qt.io/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (gb, prio 100)
- https://mirrors.20i.com/pub/qt.io/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (gb, prio 100)
- https://qt-mirror.dannhauer.de/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (de, prio 100)
- https://ftp.fau.de/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (de, prio 100)
- https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (dk, prio 100)
- https://mirror.accum.se/mirror/qt.io/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (se, prio 100)
- https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/download.qt-project.org/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (fi, prio 100)
- https://qtproject.mirror.liquidtelecom.com/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (ke, prio 100)
- https://mirrors.sau.edu.cn/qt/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (cn, prio 100)
- https://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/qt/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (cn, prio 100)
- https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (au, prio 100)
- https://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (jp, prio 100)
- https://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/qtproject/archive/qt/LICENSE.GPL (jp, prio 100)
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